let me guess, you’re here because…
between working and maintaining the household, you just don’t have time to cook.
you’re tired of cooking the same things again and again.
you honestly don’t really enjoy grocery shopping or cooking.
you’ve tried meal kit delivery services, but realized with those you still have to cook + clean up the mess.
you want more veggies in your diet, but aren’t sure how to do that.
you’re tired of being a short-order cook, making different meals for grown-ups + kiddos each night.
you spend a lot of money on ordering out and know you aren’t getting the nutrition your body wants.
you’re going through a big change and want to start prioritizing your health + vitality.
someone you love is needing support + you understand that nourishment is medicine.
You know what? you are not alone!
Over the past 7+ years of running my personal chef business, I’ve heard the same stories over + over. I get it though, it’s A TON OF WORK being a human in today’s world. That’s why I’m so glad you found me in my little corner of the internet- I’m here to help!
My specialty is figuring out exactly what your crew’s needs are and creating a game plan for meal-times that is entirely hands-off + effortless for you. Seriously, I take care of menu planning, grocery shopping, food prep, cooking, packaging, and clean up. And because I only cook for a handful of clients, your needs are met with an abundance of care + attention to detail.
Photo courtesy of Carrie Cullen LLC
ready to get started?
See what our clients are saying about Nourishment
“The first two meals have been amazing! Not having to cook after a long day at work has made me a better mother in only two days!”
“We were chatting about what a major difference having meals cooked for us has been for our family. I can’t even really begin to put it into words without getting emotional. ”
“For two working parents who are strapped for time to make tasty and healthy meals, Mandy has been a lifesaver. She quickly figured out our preferences and provides menu ideas that we and our kids love. It’s always a great day to come home from work and find the fridge and freezer full of fresh, delicious, ready-to-go food!”
“Everything we have had thus far has been absolutely delicious!! I wish you could see our youngest devouring everything, it is a lovely thing to see! :) Thank you again!”
“Good news - I lost 4 lbs over the last 2 weeks with only this change (your food) + lifestyle mindfulness! So, this seems to have desired result! Thank you Mandy!
“You have truly helped me get on track with what to cook, when and how. And your meals have delivered nutrition that my body has needed for a long time. I have felt better in the last few weeks than I have in years.”
“These last few months have really taught me how to eat and prepare our family meals and pantry better, as well as grocery shopping. (pantry overhaul service)
Thank you so much for planning our weekly meals, I’m not sure there was meal that we didn’t like! This was money well spent! I cannot thank you enough. It’s amazing how making a healthier choice improves everything. (menu planning service)”